
Date Object
February 2024
24/0226/ful and 24/0227/lbc Town Tenement Farm – Demolition of lean-to structure, proposed part conversion to 1no. residential dwelling with garden and associated works, and the rebuild, repair and conservation of the existing barns.
November 2023
23/2524/fulReplacement of agricultural building (with existing consent for conversion ref – 22/2798/PDQ) with a single new dwelling.
September 2023
23/1890/fulRatclyffe House – Reinstatement of main drive lights and gate pillar lights
July 2023
23/0829/lbcReplace 9no. windows on roadside south west elevation and 1no. window on side south east elevation; re-roof side extension and rebuild chimney with pot
June 2023
23/1134/fulBroom Hayes – extension of dwelling to provide ancillary accommodation.
May 2023
23/0208/lbcCapehams – Replace 1no. window at first floor rear elevation A; replace 3no. windows at ground floor and 4no. windows at first floor side elevation B and replace 1no.
window at first floor front elevation C
23/0053/ful23/0053/ful – Broom Hayes – Proposed granny annexe for ancillary use
January 2023
22/2798/pdqLand at Peradon Farm – Convert the existing agricultural barn into a dwelling house
23/0053/fulBroom Hayes – Proposed granny annexe for ancillary use
December 2022
22/2778/fulCoterie – Replacement of lean-to carport with garage extension.
November 2022
22/2579/fulManor Lodge – Installation of an air source heat pump and removal of existing home oil tank/oil fired burner
22/2497/fulLittle Silver – Construction of two storey extension and external store.
July 2022
22/1609/fulLittle Silver – Construction of two storey extension and replacement garage.
22/1158/fulThe Barn Ratclyffe Farm – Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn into 1no dwellinghouse
June 2022
22/1396/pdqThe Tallet – Prior approval for the change of use of agricultural barn into 1no dwellinghouse
22/1275/pdqWrights Farm – Prior notification for the conversion of existing agricultural barn to a two storey
4-bed detached dwelling.
May 2022
Solar Farm Appeal letter May 2022
22/0902/lbcOsmonds – Conversion of agricultural barn into ancillary accommodation tied to the main dwelling
April 2022
21/2974/fulRatclyffe House – Erection of entrance wall to service road
21/3120/mfulPeradon Farm – solar farm
22/0684/fulCourtneys Farm – Proposed heifer cubicle building
22/0667/fulCourtneys Farm – Proposed covered feed building 1
March 2022
22/0668/fulCourtneys Farm – erection of agricultural building
22/0495/ful Courtneys Farm – Erection of parlour and cow cubicle building
22/0557/varLand East of Broadoak Farm – Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of application 19/2073/FUL (Demolition of agricultural buildings with PDQ consent for conversion to 1 no. dwelling (16/0894/PDQ) and construction of 1 no. dwelling, car park and bike and bin store), to allow alterations to the roof form, fenestration and windows, re-orientation of garage and alterations to site entrance
22/0485/fulCourtneys Farm – erection of cow cubicle building.
22/0241/ful and 22/0242/lbcRatclyffe House – Proposed replacement of septic tank with Premier Tech mini treatment works.
22/0329/fulOak Leaves, Clyst Hydon – Proposed lean-to extension to the existing agricultural building.
December 2021
21/3120/MFULLand adjacent to Peradon Farm – Construction of 49 MW solar farm, with permission being required for 40 years, comprising solar arrays, equipment housing, sub-station, fencing, CCTV, ancillary equipment, and associated development.
November 2021
21/2974/ful and 21/2975/lbc – Ratclyffe HouseErection of entrance wall to service road.
October 2021
21/2027 – The Tallet, AunkChange of use of agricultural barn into 1no dwellinghouse.

The former Poultry Buildings, were a condition of the original  planning that they should be Removed before any development started, they contain a great deal of Aspestos and  are in poor condition which could pollute the site unless cleared by experts before any other work starts.
   The applicant state’s that these buildings (  Will not require any work beyond Windows,Doors, Roof’s and external walls)  surely this is not a conversion but a New Build, giving the developer  a blank canvas to build any number of units to his whim, with very little restrictions as we have seen on other PDQ’S. in our Village.
       A major concern is the surface water drainage system  which runs through and under neighbours property, Broadlands and Broad Oak, both of which are listed buildings and as such need every protection  available, if the volume of surface water is increased the drainage system is unable to cope and Flooding of the afore mentioned properties is a very high risk, which has happened in the past, both properties are at a much lower level that the site.
     The former poultry buildings are within a metre of boundary of the Existing Energy Centre, noise levels taken in the past show 45db. at the road edge, the building is approx. 100m-150m. nearer to the  energy centre which would mean the noise levels in that area would be in excess of  the safe level’s  recommended by the Health and Safety  Authority,  anyone living in this area would suffer hearing problems and would suffer stress from the noise and close proximity to the Energy Centre  which is a Very Busy Working area.

For these reasons and Concerns the Parish Council object.

August 2021
20/1436/ful and 20/1437/lbc – Ratclyffe Farm
Amended plans.
21/2014/ful and 21/1999/ful -Hethenhill FarmRoofing over cattle feed area and roof over an existing silage clamp.
No objections.
21/2085llbc – OsmondsReduction in size of lean-to shelter, repositioning entrance gates, alteration to barn shutters, structural fixes to barn upper floor and jamb walls and formation of new opening into barn.
No objections.
21/2164/ful – OsmondsReduction in size of lean to, repositioning of entrance gates, alterations to barn shutters, structural fixes to barn upper floor, jamb walls, and formation of new opening in barn.
No objections.
July 2021
21/1876/pdq – Land East of Broadoak FarmPlanning application now withdrawn.

May 2021
20/1436/ful – Ratclyffe Farm – amended plansAppeal against Ratclyffe development 20 1436 FUL and 20 1437 LBC.docx
21/0662/ful – Yarde Meadow – erection of extension to livestock shelter and construct of barn. No objections.
March 2021
20-1436/ful and 20/1437/lbc – Ratclyffe Farm – Amended plans –Appeal against Ratclyffe development 20 1436 FUL and 20 1437 LBC.docx
21/0615/ful – Peradon Farm – Replacement of agricultural barn with dwelling (amended design that approved  underapplication 19/0643/FUL) –No objections
January 2021
20/1436/ful – Ratclyffe Farm – amended plans –Application 20/1436/FUL appears to encroach on land owned by the two adjacent neighbours that own the land on either side of the entrance  lane to Ratclyffe Barns. The Parish Council have approached the two adjacent landowners so that they are now aware of this new planning  application. The adjacent landowners will now be making there own comments to this application. 

Clyst Hydon Parish Council have raised concerns about the blind road Entrance to Ratclyffe Barns development at every opportunity. These concerns have now been supported by a recent Highways report. Highways were invited to visit and survey the road access by Clyst Hydon Parish Council. Were it possible for the road side splay to be improved as the drawing depicts the Parish Council is not convinced it would make this entrance safer. Sadly,  the Parish  Council is unsure that the applicant has the right to encroach on the land owned by the developers neighbouring landowners to build an improved splay. The adjacent landowners have indicated to the Parish Council that they would object to this planning application as it encroaches onto their land and the Parish Council would support their right to object. This objection not only includes the increase splay but also the foul drainage proposal. Both of of these proposals adversely effect the two properties on either side of the development.  Even if the developers obtain permission to enlarge the splays at the exit from the development to the highway, it does not mitigate the increase in risk of a serious accident by the markedly increase in traffic volume and the lane exiting on a blind bend. This is a major concern of Clyst Hydon Parish Council
December 2020
20/2700/pdq – Prior approval for proposed change of use of agricultural building to form 1 no dwelling (use class C3) and associated operational development under class Q (a) & (b).
November 2020
20/2137/LBC – Manor Lodge Clyst Hydon –No Objection
20/2183/ful – The Old Manor Clyst Hydon – Retrospective application for various works to barn (annexe), including blocking up door, installation of storm canopy over doorway and 4no.replacement windows. Retention of new iron gate to driveway.No Objection.
20/2184/ful – The Old Manor Clyst Hydon – Retention of various works to main house including replacement kitchen window (east elevation), replacement patio doors (east elevation), replacement lintel to kitchen chimney piece, reconfiguration of first floor layout to create smaller shower room and ensuite with door to master bedroom. Retention of various works to barn (annexe), including blocking up door, installation of storm canopy over doorway and 4no. replacement windows.  Retention
of new iron gate to driveway.
No Objection
September 2020
20/1519/ful – Roach Copse, Clyst Hydon – erection of one agricultural building following the removal of the existing shed and relocation of existing shed.No Objection
August 2020
20/1436/ful and 20/1437/lbc – Ratclyffe House – Internal and external alterations to curtilage listed barn for conversion to 2 no dwellinghouses and associated works.Object.  Clyst Hydon Parish Council have serious misgivings about this development mainly due to the access in and out of the proposed new properties The access is through a narrow lane opening out onto the main road which leads into Clyst Hydon from Talaton. The lane is single file with no way of passing and when it opens out onto the main road there is a blind bend to the left with no possibility of seeing oncoming vehicles. The lane is poorly developed with no scope for development and widening. It is almost certain that with the development proposal of a total of seven properties and a farm shop the traffic in and out of this lane will be considerable. Traffic will almost certainly back up in occasions onto the main road and this coupled with the blind bend will lead to potential and very likely collisions. There is no scope to widen the ‘splay’ at the entrance to give greater visibility and even if it was, it wouldn’t solve the issue with the ‘blind bend’. We are also puzzled why the development has been allowed to extend to this number of properties given that our understanding from discussions with Highways is that there should only be a maximum number of three properties being accessed by a single lane The Parish Council are extremely concerned by this development and would ask that no decisions are made without a report and dialogue with Highways who have now visited and seen the proposal and the lane in question. We also question how the development has been allowed to extend to this degree. Our understanding is that developments on ‘agricultural holding’ land should be maximized to three dwellings and we are not sure what has changed. In the case of this development the closeness and proximity to a grade two listing building seems to have been ignored.  Could this decision be made by a full planning committee rather than any delegated powers. In summary, Clyst Hydon Parish Council cannot support this proposal at all and we see real safety issues with vehicle movements through this lane and onto the main road 
20/1589/lbc – Ratclyffe House – Reconstruct boundary wall along North boundary and install double gates and posts along
North boundary.
No Objections
July 2020
20/0760/ful – Ratclyffe House – reconstruct boundary wall along north boundary – amended plansNo Objections
20/1207/ful – Town Tenement Farm – Construction of an all-weather equestrian exercise arena for private use –No Objections